I would like to make the following calculation in my report:
I have a list of values where I would like to remove 20% of the highest values. So, anyone who knows how to remove 20% of the highest values from the list?
In Crystal 8.5, I would fist use the 'maximum' option in a running total or summary total, to get the highest value. Then use a formula field
@your.max * 0.8.
If it is more than one highest value, that would be more complex. What criteria do you want used?
I need to remove 20% of the values and the 20% that I remove must be the ones with highest value. For example if I have 20 different values I need to remove the 4 highest values. Is it possible?
You haven't explained whether these are summary values or detail level values. If summary values, then go to report->topN/group sort and insert a topN on them in descending order. Then, if you only have one group, you can go to format->section->group header or footer (wherever you have the summaries)->suppress->x+2 and enter:
groupnumber < 5
If you have more than one group, you would need to create a running total to manage the suppression of group level summaries.
If the value is at the detail level, then go to report->sort records and add the value as the sort field, descending. Then go to format->section->details->suppress->x+2 and enter:
recordnumber < 5
If you have groups and you are suppressing details within groups, you would need to create a running total that resets on change of group.
Supress the detail section using a formula such as
{Value} > PthPercentile(80, {Value})
- Ido
CUT, Visual CUT, and DataLink Viewer:
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Well, it did work, 20% of the highest values were removed. But I still have a problem. I need to count and summarize the records that is left after the removal of 20%. Can it be done? I have no group.
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