Hi KimberTech
I am also having a problem with the IRC/BACKDOOR.FLOOD virus removal and I wondered if you may be able to help me. I have AVG6 installed as my virus checker but after running this for several days now it still leaves this virus on my system. I have tried several other things but to no avail - I have looked at some items on Tek-Tips but am not sure how to start my pc in safe mode and more to the point will running AVG in that mode really get rid of this pest! Many thanks for any help you can give me.
I am also having a problem with the IRC/BACKDOOR.FLOOD virus removal and I wondered if you may be able to help me. I have AVG6 installed as my virus checker but after running this for several days now it still leaves this virus on my system. I have tried several other things but to no avail - I have looked at some items on Tek-Tips but am not sure how to start my pc in safe mode and more to the point will running AVG in that mode really get rid of this pest! Many thanks for any help you can give me.