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Remoting and blacklist?

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Jan 2, 2002
I've been investigating the possibility of using Remoting for a network application I'm developing.

Using sockets it's relatively easy to setup a blacklist based on the IP address, but I'm stumped as to how to implement that with Remoting.

I will be sending objects back and forth to the server - using the same dll to make sure the classes are the same, and remoting sounded like a good idea. If I can't do the blacklist with remoting however, I'll just send up serializing the objects and sending them through the socket.

Any thoughts?
Can you set up the Remote connection to refuse connections from certain IPs? If the remoting service cannot connect then you couldnt use the app.

-The answer to your problem may not be the answer to your question.
I'm not sure if I can set up to refuse connections from certain IPs. I've not tried to use .NET Remoting before, so I'm not sure where to head.

I know how to setup a socket to check the IP and the reject it, but with Remoting - not a clue.

It will be a client-server application - so IIS will not be used in this situation.
You are doing the remoting from within .Net? not standard windows Remote Desktop?

What if you did a socket to a "Pre-Check" server to see if they were allowed to connect to the actual server first, then either closed or continued...

Ugly but without storing a list somewhere it will be difficult.

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Nope - not Remote Desktop.

Storing a list of IPs is no problem and I've implemented a blacklist with sockets before.

I just don't know if I'm even able to access the IP of the current connection - can you call it a connection? - with Remoting, in order to be able to reject it.

It may be easier for me to just serialize the objects, and then transmit that serialize form over the socket and reconsitute it manually - just thought Remoting fit in really well.
One of the things that you would gain by setting up a "permissions" server would be that if someone was not allowed in, and they kept "pounding" the server trying to connect, they wouldnt be able to see where the app was trying to connect to, so they couldnt get at it will a separate app.

Depending on what you are "packaging" for transfer you may want to consider the "Pre-Check" option, you usually see it with online games, where you connect to an update server, which you have to have access to, before you can even try to access the game server.

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Interesting idea - sounds rather complicated.

I suppose the dual sever setup, could also be a dual "server" setup - in which both server apps hosted on the same computer.

I've got to make this simple though for the end user, ie. run one program - start it listening.

It's really to allow us to play an rpg tabletop game online - so it's a glorified chat program. The objects being sent are item lists, character information, and so on (there will be classes for each).

It's starting to look like serializing it and sending it through a socket would be easier for me to implement - with still allowing a blacklist.
Awesome idea (The table Top RPG) I am working on something that is based on the standard D&D setup, atm.

Depending on how indepth you do this, you may want to consider storing all the info in a database rather than passing (the bulk) back and forth. That way you could speed up your "AI" processing, if you get that into it.

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Actually there will be no AI processing.

Coincidentally - mine is also based on the standard D&D.

There will be no "AI" processing. The DM will host the server and have complete control. He'll be able to send Item Shop lists to the client - which prompt a Buy/Sell screen, and send Combat session as well - which will give the client a combat screen, with automated die rolls depending on actions.
interesting concept. I would be interested to see how it pans out/plays.

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