I've got a Program I'm running 'lSchedule' with the following code:
Sched2 is a remote view I created using connection cDOL to a SQL Server 7 database 'DOL' on my computer. When I run the program I get an error with a message something like "connection cDOL is being used"
But when I run the exact same commands in the command window, I don't get an error and the new record is inserted ok. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Dave Dardinger
OPEN DATA stables
USE mct IN 0
USE sched2 in 0
sele mct
vdate = mct.fdate
vname = mct.name1_ref
sele sched2
INSERT INTO Sched2(Schedule_ref, comp_ref, Scheddate, name1_ref, completed);
VALUES (SYS(2015), "FH", vdate, vname, .t.)
Sched2 is a remote view I created using connection cDOL to a SQL Server 7 database 'DOL' on my computer. When I run the program I get an error with a message something like "connection cDOL is being used"
But when I run the exact same commands in the command window, I don't get an error and the new record is inserted ok. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Dave Dardinger