I know this ? has been asked many times but here goes
what are the dip switch settings for the black v92
us robotics modem for auto answer for the mitel 200 EL ?
The following cabling and AT command set are to be used when connecting an AT command compatible modem to the SX200 ICP. Our examples use USR 33.6 and V.92 modems. If you have a different modem that supports the AT command set, consult your modem manufacturer to determine the correct equivalent settings for that modem.
Step 1: Verify your USR 33.6 or V.92 modem register bits are setup as follows. To determine the modem's current settings, connect the modem to a laptop at 9600 8N1 with a straight through cable. Before powering on the modem, set dip switches 1,3 and 8 down, the rest of them up.
Type ati4 <enter>
USRobotics Sportster 33600 Fax Settings...
B0 E1 F1 M1 Q0 V1 X1 Y0
Step 2: To alter the register, type the command prefix at, followed by the register letter and desired value. For example, if the modem had register f set to 0, register x set to 4 and register &N set to 0, those registers need to change.
You can change each register individually:
atf1 <enter>
atx1 <enter>
at&n6 <enter>
or combine the necessary changes into one command:
atf1x1&n6 <enter>
Then the changes must be saved to the modem's memory:
at&w0 <enter>
Then type ati4 again to confirm the changes were made.
When confirmed, power off the modem, set switches 1 and 4 down, the rest of them up.
Step 3: Verify the cable to be used between the ICP and the modem. Two cables have been tested with the USR 33.6 and V.92 modems.
1 open
2 --------- 2
3 --------- 3
4 open
5 --------- 7
6 open
7 open
8 open
9 open
The cables may be purchased as a single cable, created using store bought components, or self made as long as the end result is one of the above cables. For example, during testing, cable 1 was made of 3 store bought components. A db25 to db25 straight through cable, a db25 to db25 null adapter, and a db 9 to db 25 convertor.
Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
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