Remote Access to the IPO is Via Dialup Networkling using a data call (either from a Terminal adaptor or another router)
whic connects to the Ras Service DialIn
the user name & password are verified against the user list (Data Users have DialIn ticked).
By Default:
User: RemoteManager
Password thepword
if DHCP is not used on inbound connections the Default IP rout of will route data back to the RemoteManager user os an IP address in theis range must be given by the HQ PC or router.
In default all data calls are routed to DialIn.
once a data connection is made the IP address of the unit can be specified in Manager (file/preferences) & the system programmed as normal.
& As im sure Morrac would suggest, once the data connection is up an running it is also posible to use software such as VNC to access a remote desktop on the customers VM/Admin PC if necessary (just make sure that the gatway address of these pc's is the IPO).
Personaly with a lareg number os sites to maintain I have them programmed into a spare system as internet services so that I can access them all directly with only there IP Address
obviously all systems need a different IP address range or you will need to keep tweaking the config.
also make sure that the remote system has a route back, or use NAT to force a connection address in the default range of 192.168.99.X
it is also worth adjusting some of the timeouts but I will leave you to work this out yourself ;-)
Slick - but not practical in north america where we aren't good enough to be allowed to use BRI cards in our systems. Digital trunking isn't as common on IPOffice here as a result.
Hmmm... there is a disturbance in the force... oh wait that's just my rage at Avaya for lying in the R2.1 release notes and saying we would get to use BRI... sigh
I could do a similiar trick with VPN tunnels (my main remote access method currently) but how on earth did you get all your clients to agree to line up their IP ranges??
We dont
Some are using it purley as a PBX so we dont connect to there network, then we pick an unused 1, otherwise we have to math them , most are different but we do get a few duplications,if it is just the subnet that matches w use a mask of to select the IPO explicity, otherwise it is change the route when necessary
dosnt hapen too often though, mainly because once they are in they rarley need attention
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