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Remote desktop

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Technical User
Aug 11, 2009
I setup remote desk top with a voicemail pro server running XP. The connection worked using the server name and password in my lab but I can't connect to it remotely from my lab to it's now remote location using the same computer name and pass. It is connected to a remote lan with static addresses and does communicate with a IP500. It does have a dns address assigned however I did not check to see if it could actually connect to the internet. Could that be a problem or are there other things I should be looing for.

Thanks in advance.
If you have used "Remote Desktop" to access the VM server you may well have corrupted the callflows, there is a tech bulletin/tip advising not to use Remote desktop because of this. It doesn't normally stop you connecting it just makes things corrupt and un-changeable. I would suggest using LogMeIn as it's free and works great but you do need internet access to use it :)

ACS - IP Office Implement

"What the Crocodile Hat....was that?
Also, can you even ping it? If you can't it's a routing issue :)

ACS - IP Office Implement

"What the Crocodile Hat....was that?
i dont think you would be able to use the computer name remotely either. you would probably need the IP address of the firewall and then there would need to be ports opened up.

Kevin Wing
ACS- Implement IP Office
ACA- Implement IP Office
Carousel Industries
Seriously... You should work to setup a vpn connection to the site then connect using mstsc /v:ipaddressOf VmproComputer /console

Sounds like you just asked: Hey fellas. I used to be able to connect to this computer while it was in my lab but now that it is on site I cannot connect to it.
If you are attempting to RDP to a remote computer that is not tied to your local network (essentialy within your immediate domain or workgroup) then you must connect to the computer using the IP address (unless of course you are savvy enough to make a DNS entry within your local DNS server or modify your local computers LMHOSTS file). I would recommend using the IP address. On another note for AMRIDDLE01 - I have never come across the issue of using RDP which corrupts the call-flows. Very interesting because I have deployed numerous XP Pro VM servers and have used RDP for years with no issues (that I am aware of course!!!). Can you give me the link to this known issue? Is the issue still around? Lastly - I always use the console session of RDP which might make a difference?
RDP causes corruption of call flows? News to me! I've been doing that using /console (or /admin from my Win7 box) ever since I've had the IPO 'cause my server room's cold enough to hang a side of beef...never had problem one...hmmm...

"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays"
Sdavid - I know exactly what you are saying. I have been using RDP /console for quite a few years and never had a corrupted call flow.
Well, not saying it CAN'T happen, so I'll be a bit more cautious in future, but just sayin'...

"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays"
I agree! Watch my install on Thursday go south because I RDP'd to the VM Server! At least it is noted and tucked away in my toolbox. Backups Backups Backups - it's an appreciation that I have learned to love coming from the computer/network world.
We've ran into many (more than 20) instances were remote desktop has caused issue. It can and has corrupted and will lock ports up.
I have used RDP forever connecting to XP and Server 2003 machines running vm pro. I have only had the corruption happen one time...A customer thought that they needed their own login to the vm pc rather than using the account that we had trained them on. They logged on with "their" account and left the vm client open on the desktop. When our tech logged in with the "universal" account that we setup all of our customers with, then opened the vm pro client, the call flows were screwed up...

Well Avaya have advised against it, I have seen this three times in the last few years, it usually starts with the VM Pro client flash screen looking like hieroglyphics, then you get errors about writing to a text file when saving changes and next you can't make any changes and you get errors that you are using the wrong version of VM client (even though you're not). I use Logmein/VNC now or just the client remotely as I would rather not play Russian roulette with customers call flows :)

ACS - IP Office Implement

"What the Crocodile Hat....was that?
same here, logmein or VNC and if the local IT guy wants to use the remote desktop I always tell them that if they F@CK it up that they pay for fixing it regardless if they are still under warranty or not. Even if I just suspect that they use remote desktop (I disable the remote before the PC goes to site and if it is on then they enabled it) then I make it billable.
I think it was a bigger problem in the older releases but Avaya has not given green light for it so it is off limits for me until they do.

Joe W.

FHandw., ACS

I don't suffer from insanity
I enjoy every moment of it :)
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