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remote activation of emergency message

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Technical User
Jul 9, 2004
Good morning to all! Given the recent weather events, the powers that be want to know if we can activate an emergency announcement off site. I've loaded site administrater on my home pc, and plan to either have all incoming lines point to an emergency vector, or put a line in each vector that will point to an emergency message and I can activate it from home(provided I have power and a phone line) Is there another way to do this that would be better? I wanted to play a voicemail message, that way it could be updated off site. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I would have searched the archives, but that functionality seems to have been turned off. Thanks
I read someone’s thread right before the hurricane hit Florida and started thinking of a couple of ways to do that remotely.

1. The best thing I could come up with is to use the remote access feature and then the remote SAC activation codes. That would allow you to come in a backdoor of the switch, and remotely activate send all calls on an extension.

2. Install ASA and remotely access your switch through your INADS port. That would give you the ability to remotely administer your switch and program whatever you want to.

Mike Jones
If you have power and phone at home log in via ASA and change the VDN to point to a emergency vector that has been pre defined. If you are leaving the site last thing you do is log into a emergency split. Have all other splits check to see if there is a staffed agent in the emergency split if so route all splits to the emergency vector. I use this method. It must be maintained and tested regularly. I never tested ip agent to login to the emergency split.

Hope this helps

1a2 to ip I seen it all
Based upon what you've said so far, I think that I would set up the following:

1. In all of your inbound vectors, insert line one as follows:

2. Make a new vector (vector X, above):

Extension 1234 would be the VM subscriber that you have your emergency closure message on. Now, the only thing that you have to do to activate this is to remotely access your system and put your closure date(s) into Holiday Table 9. Access the system via ASA through your INADS port, as Mike has suggested.

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
Susan: I use the below statement in the my first vector. All calls come to this vector first. The first statemet is:
01 wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback
02 goto vector 3 if staffed-agents in skill 20 > 0

Everyone in the building is leaving for one reason or another. The supervisor logs into vector 20. All calls then process through vector 3.

Vector 3 is only disconnect after announcement XXXXX. The XXXXX is Due to current weather conditions we are closed until further notice etc.

Hope this helps

1a2 to ip I seen it all
I use the same situation for emergencies during office hours, as well. The only difference is that we also check for the emergency skill after the calls have been queued; that way, if we need to evecuate the building, callers aren't left in queue for an indefinate time.

The "emergency agent" method works great when you need to evacuate the building during business hours. The trick is to invoke your emergency if your office is closed and no one is in the building to sign onto your emergency skill.

(Our emergency announcement states "We are temporarily unavailable to service your call. Please try your call again later". Since we're in south Texas, no one would believe that we were closed due to the weather - unless it was an excess of sunshine!)

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
You can also use Ed's suggestion remotely if you have EC500 licenses available. Just set up EC500 for your home phone or cell phone that's connected to your extension at work. Then use the remote-access extension to get dial tone on the system. Then you can dial the log in code to log in an agent. If you do it this way you don't need to have power at your house to turn it on and off.

Let me know if this helps,

Thanks to evryone, it looks like i'll go with the agent sign in or access from home, or some combination of both. I liked the holiday table idea, but it would appear we have no holiday tables. How would access them if I had them? Or better yet, how would I enable them?
To access the holiday tables, you can either use the command list holiday or cha hol N where N is your holiday table number.

In system-parameters/customer options, check for Vectoring (Holidays)?. If it's set to Y, then you have Holidays. If not, then you need to pay Avaya to turn then on for you.

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
Surfing for something else I found this thread and thought I'd add my 2 cents.

We have all our first Vectors set up with a line same as 1a22ip stated: goto vector 43 if staffed-agent in skill 20 > 0.

But then I created an Agent with skill 20. Using remote access, if you have that ability, you only need to dial-into the PBX and use the FAC to login that Agent. When the emergency is over you dial-in again and use the FAC to logout the same Agent.

In the Vector 43 we have an announcement that plays and forces the Caller to voice mail. You can access vm externally so now Agents can loging into the vm system remotely and retrieve the messages and call back the Users.

Also I created the samething with another Agent and that vector gives a different announcement that states something like: "Due to an earlier local emergency, we maybe experiencing a back log of calls, if you wish you can leave a vm by pressing one on your touchtone phone or remain on the line and an Agent will be with you shortly". Now if you have to relocate to a secondary site you can logout the first emergency Agent and logging the second one and use IP Agent to loggin to the PBX primary site and take calls as if you were there.


Does anyone have a quarter, I need to make a phone call?
I have remote access in my system, it's active and I can call in, dial the barrier code and get fresh dialtone.

However, I cannot log in an agent using the FAC code to log on. Any suggestions as to what I might be doing wrong?

We have vectors set up with the agent login for emergencies, but someone has to be onsite to log the agent in.
It's not possible to log in an agent using remote access because the PBX has no idea what station you are trying to log it in on. The PBX cannot log in an agent on an imaginary station. However, if you have EC500 you can make this work. You just set up EC500 for your extension at work and tie your cell phone or home phone to it as the associated number. Then you will be able to log in the agent using remote access because the PBX thinks you are calling from you work phone and not your cell or home number and will log in the agent on your work phone. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more details.

You can log an agent OUT remotely. Just reverse your emergency check to "staffed agents > 0" You log into the emergency skill before activating the vector(I recommend using a password so no one "accidentally" logs it out).

When there's a fire drill or whatever, you can call in and log out that agent from the emergency skill.

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