We built a secure, re-brandable, remote access software as an alternative to Teamviewer, Logmein, Aeroadmin, Dropbox, Command Center, or Pulse. Switchr.io a lot different than any of those products, especially because the functionality is built to manage an end-users machine from the web entirely. Perfect for those with a help desk, but also easy enough for individual business owners. This is an all in one solution for automation, remote access, and backup of any number of hosts. We need some folks to help us test the Live reporting feature for Aloha POS, and provide us input we need to make it better.
Interested? Create a FREE account on our website (no credit card needed), then contact me so I can change your access to beta features. Beta includes the regular remote access, and port forwarding features, but also includes automatic off-site backup, and working on more one-touch fix solutions (for AlohaPOS right now). The working one-touch fix we have right now is corrects the problem of FOH terminals saying, "Waiting to Grind Date xxxxxxxx". We have more Aloha functionality coming that will cover Spooling on/off, Settle batch, File server status view of current master/server, terminals up, reboot loops, EOD or EOD too soon correction, & Waiting for system configuration to complete. We can even go as far as deployment, configuring EDC, adding new employees, or items if we find the need is great enough. If we get some serious Micros interest, we'll start moving in that direction for needs like reporting.
Would love to hear your input, or suggestions for new features. Thanks for your time!
You can also visit our Patreon page, to show your support for our mission, to make this product better. @
Send yourself an SMS Link to download a report, email it, or show on screen. We load the report settings dynamically, as well as the report dates available to report. Pretty Neat!
Setup your off-site backups, from the web once your host is connected using your own FTP/SFTP or Amazon S3 account. Use S3 for versioning, and the task bar icon on your host to restore files, and/or versions of files. RANSOMWARE!? No worries!
File retrieval & host status
Interested? Create a FREE account on our website (no credit card needed), then contact me so I can change your access to beta features. Beta includes the regular remote access, and port forwarding features, but also includes automatic off-site backup, and working on more one-touch fix solutions (for AlohaPOS right now). The working one-touch fix we have right now is corrects the problem of FOH terminals saying, "Waiting to Grind Date xxxxxxxx". We have more Aloha functionality coming that will cover Spooling on/off, Settle batch, File server status view of current master/server, terminals up, reboot loops, EOD or EOD too soon correction, & Waiting for system configuration to complete. We can even go as far as deployment, configuring EDC, adding new employees, or items if we find the need is great enough. If we get some serious Micros interest, we'll start moving in that direction for needs like reporting.
Would love to hear your input, or suggestions for new features. Thanks for your time!
You can also visit our Patreon page, to show your support for our mission, to make this product better. @

Send yourself an SMS Link to download a report, email it, or show on screen. We load the report settings dynamically, as well as the report dates available to report. Pretty Neat!

Setup your off-site backups, from the web once your host is connected using your own FTP/SFTP or Amazon S3 account. Use S3 for versioning, and the task bar icon on your host to restore files, and/or versions of files. RANSOMWARE!? No worries!

File retrieval & host status