I have just finished implementing Remedy ARS foundation 7.5, Remedy Asset 7.6, Remedy Service Request Management 7.6 and Atrium CMDD 7.6, and Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping.
We have just got the solution into production after 1 year of huge effort, 65 suppport cases, massive project overruns, and many grey hairs.
The number of bugs that I reported is a record for me. 65 in one year. Quality is very poor. The worst I have seen in any product in my entire IT career. So bad that the product is nearly un-implementable. The phase "Not fit for purpose" crossed my mind many times.
Product Quality correlates most highly with Profitability. what are BMC doing?
Since this project, I have started working with J2SE and J2EE again. What a contrast? Software that works!
We have just got the solution into production after 1 year of huge effort, 65 suppport cases, massive project overruns, and many grey hairs.
The number of bugs that I reported is a record for me. 65 in one year. Quality is very poor. The worst I have seen in any product in my entire IT career. So bad that the product is nearly un-implementable. The phase "Not fit for purpose" crossed my mind many times.
Product Quality correlates most highly with Profitability. what are BMC doing?
Since this project, I have started working with J2SE and J2EE again. What a contrast? Software that works!