Hi everybody,
i'm trying to set up remedy flashboards on my system.
In the RemedyUserTool the flashboard-field seems to get a connect, but always ends up with the following message:
Error.The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/remedy/arsys/logging/LoggerNames
I have installed:
RemedyUser 5.1
RemedyAdmin 5.1
Flashboards 5.1
Flashboards 5.1 MidTier
ArSystem 6.0 MidTier
Java (Version: J2sdk1.4.2)
I'm looking forward to hear from somebody who might have had more expierence with flashboards and java than I have.
i'm trying to set up remedy flashboards on my system.
In the RemedyUserTool the flashboard-field seems to get a connect, but always ends up with the following message:
Error.The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/remedy/arsys/logging/LoggerNames
I have installed:
RemedyUser 5.1
RemedyAdmin 5.1
Flashboards 5.1
Flashboards 5.1 MidTier
ArSystem 6.0 MidTier
Java (Version: J2sdk1.4.2)
I'm looking forward to hear from somebody who might have had more expierence with flashboards and java than I have.