I have a hyperlink that when clicked creates a new window. Now the data that I change in this new window I want to automatically be posted in the parent window.
Does anyone know how to do this off the top of their head?
I just read an article that talked about a javascript function that will pass variables back to the parent window. I have the bookmark at work, so I can post it up tommorrow, but just so you know in the mean time: yes it can be done.
The other thing to consider is that session variables can be accessed and assigned over multiple browsers. The javascript way is much easier for what you want to do I think.
Hmmm, sorry Kev, looks like I didn't bookmark the article like I thought I did.
I'll keep looking for ya, but in the meantime you're best bet might be to post something in the Javascript forum here at Tek-Tips. I've used it myself a few times, and the people who frequent there seem to know what they're doing.
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