In the following example, I would expect the outermost span to have a width of 100 -- it contains an inner blue span of 100, which is overlapped by a inner green span of 50.
Instead, the outermost span retains a width of 150 -- as though the green span had not been shifted.
<span style='border:1px solid black;'>
<span style='width:100px; background-color: blue;'></span>
<span style='width:50px; background-color: green; position: relative; left: -50px;'></span>
Trying to force the outer span's width to 100px does not produce the desired result. Is there a rational explanation for this behavior? Also, is there a CSS command that tells a page element to "reset size to minimal required size"? I ask this question under the assumption that if I executed such a command on the outermost span, it would shrink down to the 100px.
I'm working in IE 6.0.2800. Many thanks for any insight!