First of all, Thanks DougP and Elizabeth for your help!<br><br>I have another question.<br> I have studentID in student table 1:n grade table<br> I have assignmentID in Assignment table 1:n in grade table<br><br>I cannot get a full student listing on the subform. It only lists those students that already have studentID and AssignmentID linked in one record in the grade table.<br>How can I get a full student listing (those with and those without stored grades) on the subform when linking to the master form by assignmentID?<br><br>How do I get the unique records to automatically be created in the Grade Table?<br> EX. Student1 Assignment1<br> Student1 Assignment2<br> Student2 Assignment1<br> Student2 Assignment2<br>I would like these records added when an assignment is added. I hope this is a good explanation.<br><br>Thanks In advance, Dean