I've been running XP Pro on my home PC for a couple of years, and its now getting a little bit slow, so I was thinking of wiping the drive and reinstalling everything.
Only thing is, I've obviously spent a lot of time and effort setting up things the way I like them, and I want to lose as little as possible. I'm already running Belarc advisor which tells me exactly what I have installed software wise and what the serial no's etc are for each, but I just wondered if anyone had any useful tips for this kind of situation.
Also, what is the general concensus? One partition for the hard disk or several? At the minute, my hard disk is split into (I think) 6 partitions, each of which I use for a specific purpose. However, reformatting will obviously give me the ability to rethink my strategy
Only thing is, I've obviously spent a lot of time and effort setting up things the way I like them, and I want to lose as little as possible. I'm already running Belarc advisor which tells me exactly what I have installed software wise and what the serial no's etc are for each, but I just wondered if anyone had any useful tips for this kind of situation.
Also, what is the general concensus? One partition for the hard disk or several? At the minute, my hard disk is split into (I think) 6 partitions, each of which I use for a specific purpose. However, reformatting will obviously give me the ability to rethink my strategy