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Regular expressions in VB

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Jul 11, 2002
How can I implement the regular expressions in VB in a way so that the result set gives me all the invalid characters in a word.

To explain:
I have a word "ABC%DEF~GHI^JKL#MNO"
I want to find out what all invalid characters are there in the word, given that "%", "~" and "#" are invalid.

The following code, only returns the first inalid character in list.
Dim reg As New RegExp
Dim strTest As String
Dim regPattern As String
Dim Matches As MatchCollection
Dim mtch As Match

Dim blnFound As Boolean

strTest = "ashasd^$%@$~@#@Q%~$#"
regPattern = &quot;\[%^<>#\]?\[]&quot;

With reg
.Pattern = regPattern
If .Test(strTest) = True Then
Set Matches = .Execute(strTest)

For Each mtch In Matches
MsgBox mtch.Value
Next mtch
ValidateManuOrdID = True
End If
End With
Set reg = Nothing

Please reply ASAP
Did you try setting the .Global propety of the RegExp to True? Good Luck
As a circle of light increases so does the circumference of darkness around it. - Albert Einstein

It is probally better to set Pattern to &quot;\W&quot; (that is [^A-Za-z0-9_] )

Also if you set Global to true it will match all occurances of the expression instead of just the first.

Hope this helps.

' Returns a string containing all non-alphas (presumed 'bad') in strTest
Private Function BadChars(strTest As String) As String
Dim re As New RegExp

With re
.Global = True
.Pattern = &quot;(\w)&quot;
BadChars = .Replace(strTest, &quot;&quot;)
End With

Set re = Nothing

End Function
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