I have a question regarding spanish content and the use of regsub. We are submitting content to an Oracle db set up to handle UTF-8. The columns store the data properly. The question arises when we submit content from a text area or text field of an html form that contain characters like the tilde. Out of sheer luck we regsubbed one of the fields values before submitting to the db. This one field stored the tilde correctly while all the others did not. Here is the regsub code:
proc localization {inString} {
regsub -all {} $inString {} outString
return "$outString"
Why does this allow that character (tilde) to be stored correctly?
I have a question regarding spanish content and the use of regsub. We are submitting content to an Oracle db set up to handle UTF-8. The columns store the data properly. The question arises when we submit content from a text area or text field of an html form that contain characters like the tilde. Out of sheer luck we regsubbed one of the fields values before submitting to the db. This one field stored the tilde correctly while all the others did not. Here is the regsub code:
proc localization {inString} {
regsub -all {} $inString {} outString
return "$outString"
Why does this allow that character (tilde) to be stored correctly?