There sure is a way(s) to read it out from the registry and with vbs. But, I would start with an easy commandline before the script which reveals also one place where the info is stored in the registry.
[1] Cmdline
Click out Start | Run and enter:
WJview <hard enter>
Or, open the command prompt window and enter:
Jview <hard enter>
You'll see the version displayed.
[2] vbs
The script below does the job as requested.
Const clsid = "{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}"
Const child = "InstalledVersion"
Const errmsg = "Microsoft Java VM is not installed in your machine."
Dim key, wsh, version_number, msg
key = parent & "\" & clsid & "\" & child & "\"
Set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"
On Error Resume Next
version_number = wsh.RegRead(key)
If Err<>0 Then
msg = errmsg
msg = " The installed Microsoft Java VM is of version : " & version_number
End If
On Error Goto 0
WScript.Echo msg
set wsh = Nothing
thanks a lot - one more question - is there anyway to point the user to a site or somewhere if they dont have the virtual machine installed on their computer????
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