is there a method to check if a reg key exists?
Like FileExists but for reg keys?
If not, what kind of error output comes from running
objShell.RegDelete on a key that does not exist?
I need to check if a key exists in
ie in Add/Remove programs.
It is the curse of the dreaded symantec live update!
I need to get rid of it manually.
I can get rid of the folders with scripting ok and test that they're gone but don't know how to handle erros from reg methods.
is there a method to check if a reg key exists?
Like FileExists but for reg keys?
If not, what kind of error output comes from running
objShell.RegDelete on a key that does not exist?
I need to check if a key exists in
ie in Add/Remove programs.
It is the curse of the dreaded symantec live update!
I need to get rid of it manually.
I can get rid of the folders with scripting ok and test that they're gone but don't know how to handle erros from reg methods.