I need to create a projector that will be kept on an administrators computer that will allow him to register a new user to a cgi database on his internet site. I have accomplished this through "Get URL" although, as I expected, this caused a browser to load up where one isn't needed. "Load Varibles" seems close to what I'm looking for, except I am not needing to "LOAD" any info from the cgi, but rather just send information TO the cgi and that is all.<br> I have tried to send the info using the "Load Varibles" action with the same varibles and URL address of my cgi. This is also the same info I used with the "Get URL" action but this did not add the user to the user list as "Get URL" did.<br> If anyone has been able to do this, or if anyone has any ideas on how to acomplish it and would like to help, it would be greatly appreciated.<br>Thank you