I have an Access database with the backend in SQL Server 2005. I am using a couple of DateTimePicker ActiveX Controls on my forms. I have noticed that some users have their regional settings option for the date in format dd/MM/yy. My SQL database saves the information as MM/dd/yyyy. When running a form I noticed that I was getting incorrect data. I have been using Format(DateValue(Me.DTPickerFromDate.Value), "MM/dd/yyyy") on my VBA Dlookups, and DAO recordsets. I noticed that when I saved a field with the format function it still reverts and saves the date in the field with the month first. How can I fix this without having to change the Regional Settings options?
BTW I even tried this statement: Format$(DateValue(Me.DTPickerFechaMenu.Value), "mm\/dd\/yyyy\")
BTW I even tried this statement: Format$(DateValue(Me.DTPickerFechaMenu.Value), "mm\/dd\/yyyy\")