I am currently working remotely. I have code that has been in use for a very long time and has worked fine. Both machines are using Windows 10. I have narrowed down my problem to a form refresh. I have a Search button, go to another form and do the search returning a docket number, then refresh the screen with the new docket number. I start out on the correct record, wait a couple of minutes (literally a couple of minutes) for the screen to refresh, and it has moved to a different record. I can't even test the complicated parts when this doesn't work. The refresh has always just taken a second. I tried refreshing each individual data object on the screen instead of thisform.refresh with no difference. I have messageboxes showing the location in the file before and after the form refresh. There is no code other than refresh between them. I have nothing in the form refresh method. I have changed my paths from mapped drives to IP addresses. I have gone around in circles with this for a couple of days. Help!