Hello,<br><br>I have a little trouble with the refreshing of my windows.<br><br>In fact, I'm implementing a language change during the application running.<br>The application is a MDI application, with a property sheet where you can<br>choose the language. When the user press Apply or Ok, the property sheet<br>object send to the views of the application the message USERLANGCHANGED<br>(a custom designedmessage). This message works fine.<br><br>CMyView::OnUserLangChanged is the handle for this message. In this<br>handler, I have to reload a DialogBar, thing which I done as you can<br>see below. The problem is that the concerned DialogBar doesn't refresh<br>until the user (or the programmer) minize then restore the MDIChild<br>windows. If you pass another windows over it, it doesn't refresh like<br>when an application is crashed.<br><br>I have try to Invalidate the MDIChild, with no effect, I also try<br>to call OnPaint method, without result.<br><br>I have put below declarations and the message handler. I'm working<br>with Visual C++ 6.0a, professionnal edition, service pack 3, under<br>Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 (French Release).<br><br>Does anyone have an idea how to do without minimizing the MDIChild ?<br><br>Thanks a lot,<br><br>David Burg.<br><br>(Sorry for the poor english, I'm French. If you don't understand what I<br>try to say, ask for it.)<br><br>//declarations<br><br>//in Resource.h<br><br>#define IDD_VIEWPLAYPANEL 78<br><br>//in the header for CMyFrame class<br><br>class CMyDialogBar: public CDialogBar<br>{<br>[...]<br>}<br><br>class CMyFrame:CFrameWnd <br>{<br>[...]<br> //Attributes<br> public:<br> CMyDialogBar *m_wndDialogBar;<br>[...]<br>}<br><br><br>//the message handler that causes problem<br><br>void CMyView::OnUserLangChanged()<br>{<br>CFrameWnd *pParentFrame=this->GetParentFrame();<br><br>ASSERT(pParentFrame->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyFrame)));<br>CMyFrame *pMyFrame=(CMyFrame*)pParentFrame;<br><br>delete pMyFrame->m_wndDialogBar;<br>pMyFrame->m_wndDialogBar=new CMyDialogBar();<br><br>pAudioFrame->m_wndDialogBar->Create(pAudioFrame, IDD_VIEWPLAYPANEL, CBRS_TOP, IDD_VIEWPLAYPANEL); <br><br>::ShowWindow(pParentFrame->m_hWnd,SW_MINIMIZE);<br>::ShowWindow(pParentFrame->m_hWnd,SW_RESTORE);<br>}