I have an unbound form creating a new job this writes new data to four tables using ADO recordsets (sample below) one to many type relationships. After writing the data I close the form and refresh the main form with the new Job details – tabs with sub forms in (7 in total) and some sub forms within that.
To get the refresh to work I have to pause the code for two seconds (below) before that written records can be requeryed. Otherwise the database will not pick up the new records consistently. The database is front back end using ACCDB.
Write new records example
Call OpenDbConnection
Dim i As Integer
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "tblJob", dbcon, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
With rst
If Left(Me!cboClientId.Column(1), 7) = "Default" Then
!ClientId = Nz(Me!txtClientId1)
!ClientId = Nz(Me!cboClientId)
End If
!QuantitySurveyorId = Nz(Me!cboQuantitySurveyor)
!DescriptionOfWorks = Nz(Me!txtWorksDescription)
![JobStreetNo/Lot] = Nz(Me!txtStreetNoLot)
!JobStreet = Nz(Me!txtJobStreet)
!JobSuburb = Nz(Me!txtSuburb)
!JobCity = Nz(Me!txtCity)
!CSQNumber = Nz(Me!txtCSQ)
‘ You get the idea
intJobId = !JobId
txtJobId = !JobId
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Refresh the new records written – necessary to pause the DB processing by 2 seconds.
Not an eloquent solution![[bomb] [bomb] [bomb]](/data/assets/smilies/bomb.gif)
dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT tblJob.JobID, tblJob.[JobStreetNo/Lot], tblJob.JobStreet, tblJob.JobSuburb, tblJob.JobCity, tblJob.ClientId, tblJob.JobNumber, tblJob.EstimateStatus, tblJob.EstimateAmount, tblJob.QuantitySurveyorId, tblJob.ResidentialWorks, tblClient.CompanyName, tblJob.CSQNumber, tblJob.Attachment, tblJob.DescriptionOfWorks, tblJob.Comments, tblJob.ReceivedDate, tblJob.ClientTemplate " _
& "FROM tblClient RIGHT JOIN tblJob ON tblClient.ClientId = tblJob.ClientId WHERE tblJob.JobID=" & intJobId
Forms!frmNavform.RecordSource = strSql
'MsgBox "Job number : " & intJobId & " has been saved", vbInformation, "Record saved"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSaveJob", , , , , acDialog
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
Sleep (2000)
DoCmd.Hourglass (False)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmCreateJob"
Thanks for your time and consideration![[peace] [peace] [peace]](/data/assets/smilies/peace.gif)
To get the refresh to work I have to pause the code for two seconds (below) before that written records can be requeryed. Otherwise the database will not pick up the new records consistently. The database is front back end using ACCDB.
Write new records example
Call OpenDbConnection
Dim i As Integer
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "tblJob", dbcon, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
With rst
If Left(Me!cboClientId.Column(1), 7) = "Default" Then
!ClientId = Nz(Me!txtClientId1)
!ClientId = Nz(Me!cboClientId)
End If
!QuantitySurveyorId = Nz(Me!cboQuantitySurveyor)
!DescriptionOfWorks = Nz(Me!txtWorksDescription)
![JobStreetNo/Lot] = Nz(Me!txtStreetNoLot)
!JobStreet = Nz(Me!txtJobStreet)
!JobSuburb = Nz(Me!txtSuburb)
!JobCity = Nz(Me!txtCity)
!CSQNumber = Nz(Me!txtCSQ)
‘ You get the idea
intJobId = !JobId
txtJobId = !JobId
End With
Set rst = Nothing
Refresh the new records written – necessary to pause the DB processing by 2 seconds.
Not an eloquent solution
![[bomb] [bomb] [bomb]](/data/assets/smilies/bomb.gif)
dim strSql As String
strSql = "SELECT tblJob.JobID, tblJob.[JobStreetNo/Lot], tblJob.JobStreet, tblJob.JobSuburb, tblJob.JobCity, tblJob.ClientId, tblJob.JobNumber, tblJob.EstimateStatus, tblJob.EstimateAmount, tblJob.QuantitySurveyorId, tblJob.ResidentialWorks, tblClient.CompanyName, tblJob.CSQNumber, tblJob.Attachment, tblJob.DescriptionOfWorks, tblJob.Comments, tblJob.ReceivedDate, tblJob.ClientTemplate " _
& "FROM tblClient RIGHT JOIN tblJob ON tblClient.ClientId = tblJob.ClientId WHERE tblJob.JobID=" & intJobId
Forms!frmNavform.RecordSource = strSql
'MsgBox "Job number : " & intJobId & " has been saved", vbInformation, "Record saved"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSaveJob", , , , , acDialog
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
Sleep (2000)
DoCmd.Hourglass (False)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmCreateJob"
Thanks for your time and consideration
![[peace] [peace] [peace]](/data/assets/smilies/peace.gif)