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refresh parameters after installing maintenance release 1

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Sep 10, 1999
Hi all,<br>
I have around 150 reports and they worked fine before I installed Crystal Report Maintenance Release 1 on Aug, 99. <br>
I already tested the problem this way: created a new server which had old version of Crystal Report (CR7.0) and tested my reports; They worked fine. Then I installed the Maintenance Release 1 on that server, my reports just uses the default parameters even though I pass new parameters in.<br>
I called Technical suport, they told me to check some ASP code to make sure not using cache. I did all things they told me (even more), but it does not help.<br>
This is what I have done so far:<br>
1. Uncheck File¦"Save report with data"<br>
2. Check Database¦Verify every print<br>
3. Make sure Alias is exactly the same as the name of the report (I don't know why but on some reports, by simply changing the Alias to be the same as the name of the report would fix the problem)<br>
4. ASP code: use<br>
If IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) Then<br>
Set session("oPageEngine") = nothing<br>
End If<br>
set session("oPageEngine")=session("oRpt").PageEngine<br>
5. I tried to uninstall Crytal Report and reinstall the old version, but still have problem. I think there are some dll files which are placed somewhere else.<br>
6. I transferred reports to offsite server which has old version of CR7.0. They work, but numbers are displayed in form xx.00 instead of xx and the legend is "Sum of XXXXX" instead of just "XXXXX".<br>
7. I already convert database driver from PdsODBC.dll to PdsODBC.dll to make sure that the report uses the right dll file.<br>
Some other information:<br>
I use ODBC driver, stored procedure of MSSQL 7.0, and use ASP to call reports. However, all the reports work fine in Crystal Report Designer; the problem occurs only when I use ASP to call the report.<br>
Some tests:<br>
I make a new report which receive 4 parameters then call a stored procedure and then display them. The report works fine.<br>
The stored procedure is:<br>
@CMinDate varchar(22),<br>
@CMaxDate varchar(22),<br>
@CStartShift varchar(22),<br>
@CEndShift varchar(22)<br>
set nocount on<br>
SELECT @MinDate = Convert(datetime, @CMinDate)<br>
SELECT @MaxDate = Convert(datetime, @CMaxDate) + 1<br>
SELECT @StartShift = Convert(datetime, @CStartShift, 8)<br>
SELECT @EndShift = Convert(datetime, @CEndShift, 8)<br>
@MinDate as MinDate,<br>
@MaxDate as MaxDate,<br>
@StartShift as StartShift,<br>
@EndShift as EndShift<br>
However, if I modify the existing report, which keeps using default parameters, to call the stored procedure above and all it does is display the parameters just like the new report does. This modified report still keeps using the default parameter. I deleted all the default parameters (set them to NULL), but somehow, the modified report still uses the default parameters. (ASP code does not change)<br>
Any suggestions? Anyone encounters this problem after installing the maintenance release 1?<br>
Thank you.<br>

I used ADO connection but you can try refresh the report as below: <br>
Dim AnyName As YourReportName <br>
Dim AnyName1 As YourReorName1 ' and so on <br>
Dim MainRS As ADODB.Recordset <br>
'in place where you call for the report(s) <br>
Set AnyName = New YourReportName <br>
Set MainRS = Nothing <br>
MainRS.Open "SELECT * FROM sourcename" _ <br>
& "WHERE " _ <br>
& " AND " <br>
YourReportName.Database.SetDataSource MainRS <br>
CRViewer1.ReportSource = YourReportName <br>
This I used in VB6, the refresh stuff comes with Set = New <br>
I hope helps <br>

Thanhs, Leszek. In our ASP code, we already use <br>
If IsObject(session("oPageEngine")) Then<br>
Set session("oPageEngine") = nothing<br>
End If<br>
set session("oPageEngine")=session("oRpt").PageEngine<br>
which they told us that would refresh the parameters. But no hope :-(. We had to re-install the original version of SCR7.0. There are some guys, on other newsgroup, have the same bug like we do. I hope they will fix the bug soon.<br>
any suggestions?<br>
Thank you for your time, Leszek.<br>

Your report makes me feel....<br>
We have a major dll problem with Crystal. It uses as well as modifies some of the dlls that come with Windows.<br>
The year 2000 fix is dlls.<br>
We installed them. <br>
We have had problems ever since. Tech support says to install the maintenance release and that will fix the problems.<br>
Any information will be appreciated.
... then Tech support says to install the MR2 to fix the bug of MR1 ... and so on :)<br>
Actually, MR1 DOES fix some bugs like Exporting, Emailing, Running Report on the Web without interrupting each others. These are some fixed problems that I have known so far. But, in my opinion, data is gold. Therefore, we already re-install the orginal version of CR7.0 even though we will miss other features. (Who would buy a product which can do other things except reporting right data?)<br>
I dont' know what problem you have, but I think you should not install MR1.<br>
If you want to uninstall CR7.0, then this is the way we did. However, you should test it on your test server first.<br>
1. Uninstall CR7.0 from Start Menu -&gt; Seagate Crystal Report -&gt; Uninstall<br>
2. Delete folder C:\Windows\Crystal<br>
3. Delete folder C:\Program Files\Seagate Software<br>
4. Remove all files which has "CR" at the beginning of the filename, like crpe32.dll ... (move them into other directory, so that after you re-install Cr7.0 original you can check to see if you removed any extra files.<br>
5. Reinstall the original version of CR7.0<br>
Our reports work fine now after we did that.<br>
Hope it helps.<br>

On my first post, I said:<br>
3. Make sure Alias is exactly the same as the name of the report (I don't know why but on some reports, by simply changing the Alias to be the same as the name of the report would fix the problem)<br>
Please read it as:<br>
3. Make sure Alias is exactly the same as the name of the report (I don't know why but on some reports, by simply changing the Alias to be the same as the name of the *** STORED PROCEDURE *** would fix the problem)<br>
I just found out about that because usually the name of my report is named exactly as the name of the stored procedure it calls.<br>
Up to today, I fixed more than 50 reports by just doing that.<br>

bug found in MR1. Crystal Report said they will fix it soon (should say soooooooon) :)
Bug found!!!!!!!!<br>
Parameters for SQL Stored Procedures through the CRPE are ignored. <br>
The information in the article refers to:<br>
Seagate Crystal Reports 7<br>
Applies to:<br>
Reported version only<br>
Maintenance Release 1 for Crystal Reports 7.0<br>
Stored Procedure Parameters<br>
Seagate Crystal Reports 7.0 Maintenance Release 1.<br>
Parameters passed to SQL Stored Procedures through the Crpe32.dll are being ignored or<br>
truncated and data is not returned from the stored procedure. The result is usually a blank report.<br>
This behavior can be reproduced in a compiled report, through the Web Report Server and<br>
through the Automation Server. This behavior has been tracked as SCRTrack: #20857<br>

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