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Refresh page without submit

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Jun 2, 2007

I try to make refresh my form page when the user chose a country (pays, i'am french). I have program all think for change and load the new states but when i change the country the page don't refresh and i don't have idea for make this work!!! I show you my code and if you have solution for it's really appreciate.



$sign_up = 'modules/signup_user/';

define( "FILE_COUNTRY", $sign_up . "country.txt" );
define( "FILE_CA_PROVINCES", $sign_up . "provinces.ca.txt" );
define( "FILE_US_STATES", $sign_up . "states.us.txt" );

function submit( $var ){
return ( strlen(trim($HTTP_POST_VARS[ $var ])) ) ? trim( $HTTP_POST_VARS[ $var ] ) : trim( $HTTP_GET_VARS[ $var ] );

function displayCountry( $default = "Canada" ){
print "<select name='country' onchange='document.frmUser.submit();'>\n" ;
print "<option value=''>Select</option>\n" ;

$countries = file( FILE_COUNTRY );
foreach( $countries as $c ){
$value = htmlspecialchars(trim($c)) ;
$selected = strtoupper($default) == strtoupper(trim($c)) ? " selected " : "" ;
print "<option value=\"$value\" $selected>$value</option>\n" ;
print "</select>\n" ;

function generateActivation ($length = 18)
$activation_random = "";
$possible = "0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz";
$i = 0;
while ($i < $length) {
$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
if (!strstr($activation_random, $char)) {
$activation_random .= $char;
return $activation_random;

function VerifierAdresseMail($adresse)
return true;
return false;

$erreur = '';
$inscription = '';

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

// verifier si les champs sont rempli au complet
if ($_POST['login'] != null && $_POST['nom']!= null && $_POST['prenom'] != null && $_POST['adresse'] != null && $_POST['region'] != null && $_POST['codepostal'] != null && $_POST['telephone'] != null && $_POST['courriel'] != null && $_POST['courriel_verif'] != null && $_POST['password'] != null && $_POST['password_verif'] != null) {

$login = addslashes($_POST['login']);
$nom = addslashes($_POST['nom']);
$prenom = addslashes($_POST['prenom']);
$adresse = addslashes($_POST['adresse']);
$region = $_POST['region'];
$codepostal = addslashes($_POST['codepostal']);
$telephone = addslashes($_POST['telephone']);
$courriel= htmlentities($_POST['courriel']);
$courriel_verif = htmlentities($_POST['courriel_verif']);
$password = md5($_POST['password']);
$password_verif = md5($_POST['password_verif']);
$activation = generateActivation();
$status = 0;

// verifier si le login est deja pris
$requete = mysql_query("SELECT login FROM users WHERE login = '$login'") or die(mysql_error());
$compte = mysql_num_rows($requete);

if ($compte == 0) {

// verification si le email est ecrit correct et si il est deja pris!
if ($courriel == $courriel_verif)
$requete = mysql_query("SELECT courriel FROM users WHERE courriel = '$courriel'") or die(mysql_error());
$compte = mysql_num_rows($requete);

if ($compte == 0) {

// verification si le email est correctement ecris.
//verification si les 2 password sont pareille
if ($password == $password_verif) {

//verification si le password a plus de 4 caractere
if (strlen($password) >= 4) {

// enregistrer & link a l'acceuil
mysql_query('INSERT INTO users (id, login, prenom, nom, adresse, region, codepostal, telephone, courriel, password, activation, status, timestamp) VALUES ("","'.$login.'", "'.$prenom.'", "'.$nom.'", "'.$adresse.'", "'.$region.'", "'.$codepostal.'", "'.$telephone.'","'.$courriel.'","'.$password.'","'.$activation.'","'.$status.'","'.$time.'")');
$sujet = 'Votre activation';
$expediteur = 'Administration';
$message = 'Cliquer ici pour activer votre compte : mail($courriel, $sujet, $message, $expediteur);

$inscription = 'ok';

} else { $erreur = $txt17; }
} else { $erreur = $txt18; }
} else { $erreur = $txt19; }
} else { $erreur = $txt20; }
} else { $erreur = $txt21; }
} else { $erreur = $txt22; }
} else { $erreur = $txt23; }

if ($inscription == '') {
<table width="600" CELLPADDING= CELLSPACING=0>
<td align="center" class="text1"><h3><? echo $txt25; ?></h3></td>

<form action="site.php?cmd=inscription&type=user" method="post" name="frmUser">
<br />

<? if ($erreur != '') {?>
<table width="600" BORDER=1 CELLPADDING= CELLSPACING=0 align="center">
<td align="center" style="color:red;"><? echo $txt26; ?><br /><br />
<? echo $erreur; ?><br /><br /></td>
<br /><br />

<table width="600" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING= CELLSPACING=0 align="center">
<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt3; ?></td><td><input type="text" size="30" name="login" onKeyPress="return login(this, event)" value="<? echo $_POST['login']; ?>" /></td>
<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt4; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="text" size="30" name="prenom" onKeyPress="return lettersonly(this, event)" value="<? echo $_POST['prenom']; ?>" /></td>
<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt5; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="text" size="30" name="nom" onKeyPress="return lettersonly(this, event)" value="<? echo $_POST['nom']; ?>" /></td>
<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt6; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="text" size="50" name="nom" onKeyPress="return lettersonly(this, event)" value="<? echo $_POST['adresse']; ?>" /></td>

<td class="text1" nowrap width="140">Ville :</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="city" size="30" value="<?= submit("city") ?>"></td>

<td class="text1" nowrap>Pays :</td>
$defaultCountry = strtoupper( submit( "country" ) ? submit( "country" ) : "United States" );
displayCountry( $defaultCountry ) ;

<td class="text1" nowrap>Province/State :</td>
if( $defaultCountry == "UNITED STATES" || $defaultCountry == "CANADA" ) {
$provStates = file( $defaultCountry == "UNITED STATES" ? FILE_US_STATES : FILE_CA_PROVINCES );
<select name="provOrState">
foreach( $provStates as $ps ) {
print "<option value=\"" . htmlspecialchars(trim($ps)) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars(trim($ps)) . "</option>\n" ;
} else {
<input type="Text" name="provOrState" size="30" value="">

<td class="text1" nowrap>Postal Code/Zip Code :</td>
<td><input type="Text" size="30" name="postalCode" value="<?= submit("postalCode") ?>"></td>

<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt10; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="text" size="30" name="courriel" value="<? echo $_POST['courriel']; ?>" /></td>
<td width="100" class="text1"><? echo $txt11; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="text" size="30" name="courriel_verif" value="<? echo $_POST['courriel_verif']; ?>" /></td>
<td class="text1"><? echo $txt12; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="password" name="password" value="" /></td>
<td class="text1"><? echo $txt13; ?></td><td class="text1"><input type="password" name="password_verif" value="" /></td>
</table><br />

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<? echo $txt24; ?>" />
<a href="site.php"><? echo $txt14; ?></a><br /><br />
else { ?>
<br /><br />
<table align="center">
<tr><td class="text1" align="center"><? echo $txt15; ?></td></tr>
<tr><td class="text1" align="center"><a href="site.php"><? echo $txt16; ?></a><br /></td></tr>
<br /><br />
<? }
PHP runs on the server and when the user starts interacting with the form, PHP has already finished and won't do anything until another request from the server. The interaction between the user and the select box you're talking about is handled via client-side language, usually Javascript. Therefore I would suggest you ask your question in the forum216. And make sure you post your client-side code, not PHP server-side stuff.

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