I am using Access 2000 and Windows XP for this example. I have a database called (Today.mdb) and it contains 1 query (Line) and 1 form (Form1). When the form opens it runs the query (Line) to retrieve and sort the data in table (Daily) and display it in a list box (List2) on form (Form1). This works well so far. The list box (List2) has 10 columns and approximately 20 records which are displayed. I have added up and down arrow control buttons which allow the user to select a specific record and move it up or down in the list box window. I use a column in table (Daily) which contains a number assigned to each record, similar to autonumber and order by this number in the query. This is also working well. So my problem is that the record does not actually shift locations unless the form is closed and re-opened. Is there a way to run a requery or update the data displayed on the form without actually closing and reopening the form ?
Thank you for any and all advice. Regards.
Thank you for any and all advice. Regards.