Input is a ragged right text file, not all lines are the same length. The output has to be another text file with each record being 574 bytes long.
I'm a Cobol guy that's done some C and VB coding. In VB I would just open the file, read a record into deers_in (see below), then just write the record to my output file.
Dim deers_in As String * 574
I'm having a hard time translating the above statement to something that would work in C#. I'm using the Express C# 2008 version.
I'm a Cobol guy that's done some C and VB coding. In VB I would just open the file, read a record into deers_in (see below), then just write the record to my output file.
Dim deers_in As String * 574
I'm having a hard time translating the above statement to something that would work in C#. I'm using the Express C# 2008 version.