I had created a .dll file to work with EXTRA! Enterprise 2000 which I then referenced in Excel, and other applications. Our IT is in the process of upgrading our Attachmate, and I and several others are now using Reflections 2008, so I need to update my DLL. I am looking to either open an existing Session, or open a new session as needed. My prior code is below:
I tried tweaking the code, using things like ExtraCOM and ReflectionCOM, but had no luck. With enough searching around the web, I found an entirely different way to do things, and it works great in Visual Studio with a test program, and with a standalone .exe test program:
The problem I am having is when I try to run this code from Excel 2007 VBA, I get the following error “Unable to cast transparent proxy to type ‘Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IBase’” when I run line:
I am willing to throw everything I have out the window if needed, but I need to find a way to bridge from Excel 2007 VBA to Attachmate Reflection 2008 with a VB .net DLL. Please forgive any poor coding practices, since I am Mechanical Engineer, not a computer programmer, but I need this to help with data mining.
Private System As Object
Private Session As Object
Private Screen As Object
Private Sub ExtraSessionCheck(Optional ByVal SessionNumber As Integer = 0)
Dim temp As String
System = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
If (System Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox("Could not create the EXTRA System object. Aborting macro playback.", 48, "Capture32")
InitFlag = False
End If
' Get the necessary Session Object
If SessionNumber >= 1 And SessionNumber <= 3 Then
On Error GoTo ErrorCatch
temp = Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Attachmate\E!E2K\Sessions\SESSION" & Trim(Str(SessionNumber)) & ".EDP"
Session = System.Sessions.Item(temp)
On Error GoTo 0
Session = System.ActiveSession
End If
If (Session Is Nothing) Then
On Error GoTo ErrorCatch
temp = Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Attachmate\E!E2K\Sessions\SESSION" & Trim(Str(SessionNumber)) & ".EDP"
Session = System.Sessions.Item(temp)
On Error GoTo 0
If (Session Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox("Could not create the Session object. Aborting macro playback.", 48, "Capture32")
InitFlag = False
End If
End If
Screen = Session.Screen
If Session.Visible = False Then Session.Visible = True
If Screen.GetString(25, 2, 1) = " " Then
Session.Connected = True
End If
InitFlag = True
Exit Sub
Session = System.Sessions.Open(temp)
End Sub
I tried tweaking the code, using things like ExtraCOM and ReflectionCOM, but had no luck. With enough searching around the web, I found an entirely different way to do things, and it works great in Visual Studio with a test program, and with a standalone .exe test program:
Private System08 As Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.Application
Private Session08 As Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts.IIbmTerminal
Private Screen08 As Attachmate.Reflection.Emulation.IbmHosts.IIbmScreen
Private Sub ReflectionSessionCheck(Optional ByVal SessionNumber As Integer = 0)
Dim viewFrame As Attachmate.Reflection.UserInterface.IFrame
Dim view As Attachmate.Reflection.UserInterface.IView
InitFlag = False
'Capture an open Reflection Session, on error, it will open an new session
System08 = Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.MyReflection.CreateApplication(50000)
'Open an exsisting session, if the session is not available, the error will open a new session
viewFrame = System08.GetObject("Frame")
If SessionNumber >= 1 And SessionNumber <= 3 Then 'If a specific view is requested, it opens that view, if not, it opens the active view
view = viewFrame.AllViews(SessionNumber - 1)
view = viewFrame.SelectedView
End If
Session08 = view.Control
If Session08.IsConnected = False Then
End If
InitFlag = True
Exit Try
Catch ex As Exception
'Open a new session, if none is specified, it will open session 1
If SessionNumber < 1 Or SessionNumber > 3 Then SessionNumber = 1
Session08 = System08.CreateControl(Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Attachmate\Reflection2008\Setup\SESSION" & Trim(Str(SessionNumber)) & ".rd3x")
viewFrame = System08.GetObject("Frame")
view = viewFrame.CreateView(Session08)
InitFlag = True
Exit Try
End Try
InitFlag = True
Exit Try
Catch ex As Exception
'Open a new Reflection Program, and a new session. If none is specified, it will open session 1. On Error, open Extra
Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.MyReflection.Start(50000, True)
System08 = Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.MyReflection.CreateApplication(50000)
If SessionNumber < 1 Or SessionNumber > 3 Then SessionNumber = 1
Session08 = System08.CreateControl(Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Attachmate\Reflection2008\Setup\SESSION" & Trim(Str(SessionNumber)) & ".rd3x")
viewFrame = System08.GetObject("Frame")
view = viewFrame.CreateView(Session08)
Do While Session08.IsConnected = False
InitFlag = True
Exit Try
Catch ex2 As Exception
Call MsgBox(ex2.Message.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
InitFlag = False
Exit Sub
End Try
End Try
'Set the screen
Screen08 = Session08.Screen
End Sub
The problem I am having is when I try to run this code from Excel 2007 VBA, I get the following error “Unable to cast transparent proxy to type ‘Attachmate.Reflection.Framework.IBase’” when I run line:
Session08 = System08.CreateControl(Environ("ProgramFiles") & "\Attachmate\Reflection2008\Setup\SESSION" & Trim(Str(SessionNumber)) & ".rd3x")