I have loaded a swf into a movie clip in my movie using the loadMovie function.
Now I have a button which is in my movie clip and when it is clicked i would like the loaded swf to movie to frame 50, for example.
If have tried: (empty is the empty movie clip i loaded the swf into)
with ("../empty" {
gotoAndPlay (50);
but it doesnt do anything.
What would be the correct actionscript for this?
I have loaded a swf into a movie clip in my movie using the loadMovie function.
Now I have a button which is in my movie clip and when it is clicked i would like the loaded swf to movie to frame 50, for example.
If have tried: (empty is the empty movie clip i loaded the swf into)
with ("../empty" {
gotoAndPlay (50);
but it doesnt do anything.
What would be the correct actionscript for this?