Hi folks,
is there a way to refer to certain record without using the bookmark property.
For instance,
if in Excel, by using rowindex, we can go into that cell record directly.
Exp: rowindex = 1
.cells(rowindex,1) = rst("A"
rowindex = rowindex + 1
This way, along with recordset record movenext, the row is moving a step.
In Access, so far I just know a way to do this using bookmark property.
Exp. rst.movefirst
frm.bookmark = rst.bookmark
frm.fieldA = rst("A"
But this way will work only if we want to fill up a form records one by one in order.
How if we want to say,
frm.fieldA record no.3 = rst("A" first record
In excel we can say .cells(rowindex+2,1) = rst("A" first record
How to refer to the frm/rpt certain record? Is there a better way?
Thanks ahead for the attention, I greatly appreciate any help.
Tin Tin
is there a way to refer to certain record without using the bookmark property.
For instance,
if in Excel, by using rowindex, we can go into that cell record directly.
Exp: rowindex = 1
.cells(rowindex,1) = rst("A"
rowindex = rowindex + 1
This way, along with recordset record movenext, the row is moving a step.
In Access, so far I just know a way to do this using bookmark property.
Exp. rst.movefirst
frm.bookmark = rst.bookmark
frm.fieldA = rst("A"
But this way will work only if we want to fill up a form records one by one in order.
How if we want to say,
frm.fieldA record no.3 = rst("A" first record
In excel we can say .cells(rowindex+2,1) = rst("A" first record
How to refer to the frm/rpt certain record? Is there a better way?
Thanks ahead for the attention, I greatly appreciate any help.
Tin Tin