I've got a function in custom code called for every line in a table that uses a case statement to return various values.
In some cases, a calculation is required. In other cases, a return of a value from another dataset is all that's.
Assuming the function is called from a field in a table linked to Dataset B, is there a way to reference a member of Datset A from within the code?
With the simplified function below (calculations are omitted for brevity), I get a build error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. I'm trying to figure out how to express the object reference (if possible).
Public Function GetValueForLine(RowName as String) as String
Select Case LCase(RowName)
Case "start date"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.start_date.Value
Case "end date"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.end_date.Value
Case "currency"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.currency_code.Value
Case Else
Return "Unknown"
End Select
End Function
In some cases, a calculation is required. In other cases, a return of a value from another dataset is all that's.
Assuming the function is called from a field in a table linked to Dataset B, is there a way to reference a member of Datset A from within the code?
With the simplified function below (calculations are omitted for brevity), I get a build error "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference. I'm trying to figure out how to express the object reference (if possible).
Public Function GetValueForLine(RowName as String) as String
Select Case LCase(RowName)
Case "start date"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.start_date.Value
Case "end date"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.end_date.Value
Case "currency"
Return Fields!RptHdrData.currency_code.Value
Case Else
Return "Unknown"
End Select
End Function