I have a file called EMFCalculator.vXX.xls containing the code for the program that i have written. i have a variable in the code which stores the name of this file, as the versions change, the name changes so with the variable i dont have to change the code for each version, eg EMFCalculator6.2.xls (just stores the filename, not the whole path)
in this file there is a worksheet called WorksheetInfo and there is a named call, TemplateName.
this cell contains the full name and path of a custom template that i need to use.
i can use the line
Workbooks.Add Template:=Sheets("WorkbookInfo"
to open up the template fine when EMFCalculator is active, but i need to be able to open it without EMFCalculator being active.
i cant get the verbage just right to do this.
i think it is not too far off this but i cant get it right, any help would be welcome
Workbooks.Add Template:=Windows("&CalculatorVersion&"
this code is placed in the same workbook where CalculatorVersion is declared so i dont think that is the problem
in this file there is a worksheet called WorksheetInfo and there is a named call, TemplateName.
this cell contains the full name and path of a custom template that i need to use.
i can use the line
Workbooks.Add Template:=Sheets("WorkbookInfo"
to open up the template fine when EMFCalculator is active, but i need to be able to open it without EMFCalculator being active.
i cant get the verbage just right to do this.
i think it is not too far off this but i cant get it right, any help would be welcome
Workbooks.Add Template:=Windows("&CalculatorVersion&"
this code is placed in the same workbook where CalculatorVersion is declared so i dont think that is the problem