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References needed for Split

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Jan 24, 2002
Alright, I'm losing my friggin mind here. I've used Split in VBScript projects before with no problems, but in my VBA project with Word/Access I'm getting a 'Sub or Function not defined' error. I'm assuming I need to add a reference to the project, but I can't for the life of me figure out which one I need...

Anyone know...? Notorious P.I.G.
Gah! The company I'm writing this for is using Office '97 (but they use Outlook 2k). Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way :-\. Thanks for the info. Notorious P.I.G.
Add this code to VBA97 to achieve Split/Join.
Be sure to remove/rename when you upgrade Office.

'Like VB6's Split function - should phase out with Access2000
'Note order of arguments differs from Perl's split function
Public Function Split(ByVal SourceText$, Optional DelimiterChars As Variant) As Variant
Dim iArrayIndex&, iPosn%, sInput$
ReDim ArrPieces(0) As String

If IsMissing(DelimiterChars) Then DelimiterChars = " "
sInput = SourceText
iPosn = InStr(sInput, DelimiterChars)
Do While iPosn
If iArrayIndex > UBound(ArrPieces) Then
ReDim Preserve ArrPieces(0 To iArrayIndex) As String
End If
ArrPieces(iArrayIndex) = Left$(sInput, iPosn - 1)
'Shrink sInput by
sInput = Mid$(sInput, iPosn + Len(DelimiterChars))
iPosn = InStr(sInput, DelimiterChars)
iArrayIndex = iArrayIndex + 1
If SourceText <> &quot;&quot; Then
If iArrayIndex > UBound(ArrPieces) Then
ReDim Preserve ArrPieces(0 To iArrayIndex) As String
End If
ArrPieces(iArrayIndex) = sInput
End If
Split = ArrPieces
End Function

Public Function Join(SomeArray As Variant, ByVal Delimiter As String) As String
Dim i%, sResult$
For i = LBound(SomeArray) To UBound(SomeArray)
sResult = sResult + Delimiter + SomeArray(i)
If sResult <> &quot;&quot; Then sResult = Mid$(sResult, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
Join = sResult
End Function
Thx PJ. I didn't have `notification` on and didn't see this, but I ended up creating something similar to get around my problem. I'll keep your code around for safe keeping. :)

Got another problem:
Is Form_Load also not supported by Office`97? I've built a vb form into a Word template and everything is working just dandy, but I can't get Form_Load to work to populate my list_boxes...

I have a macro attached to a toolbar button:
Public Sub ClientCoding()
    Dim frmNew As New Normal.frmQuery
    Load frmNew
End Sub

And then the form code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
    cbo1.AddItem &quot;Billing&quot;
    'ad nauseum
End Sub
Notorious P.I.G.
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