I am trying to get the following xpath expression to work:
I get the following error:
Unknown method.
I've often found that problems like this can be resolved by the following code (vbscript):
oRequest is my xml document object.
After adding this, my xpath expression generates the following error: Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'soapenv'.
Here is the first line of my xml source file:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:int=" xmlns:soapenv=" xmlns:xsi="
Why does it not recognize soapenv as a valid name space? If I don't include the line setting the language to xpath, it does not complain about the namespace. It just does not recognize name() as a valid xpath function.
Unknown method.
I've often found that problems like this can be resolved by the following code (vbscript):
oRequest.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
After adding this, my xpath expression generates the following error: Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'soapenv'.
Here is the first line of my xml source file:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:int=" xmlns:soapenv=" xmlns:xsi="
Why does it not recognize soapenv as a valid name space? If I don't include the line setting the language to xpath, it does not complain about the namespace. It just does not recognize name() as a valid xpath function.