I have the following code which does not work:
In either case (whether the value in the bProNumber box is null, not null, blank or completed, the report shows the same DraftBOL. Before the code fires, DraftBOL is invisible, and tblCarriers_subreport is visible.
If IsNull(Form.frmCustomerOrder!subBillOfLading.Form!subBillOfLading2.Form!bProNumber) Or Form.frmCustomerOrder!subBillOfLading.Form!subBillOfLading2.Form!bProNumber = "" Then
Me.tblCarriers_subreport.Visible = False
Me.DraftBOL.Visible = True
End If
In either case (whether the value in the bProNumber box is null, not null, blank or completed, the report shows the same DraftBOL. Before the code fires, DraftBOL is invisible, and tblCarriers_subreport is visible.