I am new this programming lark and need help....
I am constructing a password page and need to redirect to a page with a querystring attached to the URL, the URL is being made correctly but not passing to the next page,
The password comparision code is below:-
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
conn.Open "staff_tasks"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
mysql= "Select uid, password, name FROM access WHERE uid = " & chr(39) & request.Form("login" & chr(39)
rs.Open mysql, conn
IF not rs.EOF then
If Request.Form("password" = rs ("password" Then
url="it_tasks_frameset.htm?username=" & rs("name"
Response.redirect (url)
End if
response.Write("Access Denied!"
End IF
The start of the page that should take the string is below:-
sname = request.querystring("username"
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="<%=sname%>">
For some strange reason the string is not being passed to the next page, is there something that I am missing????
I am constructing a password page and need to redirect to a page with a querystring attached to the URL, the URL is being made correctly but not passing to the next page,
The password comparision code is below:-
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"
conn.Open "staff_tasks"
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset"
mysql= "Select uid, password, name FROM access WHERE uid = " & chr(39) & request.Form("login" & chr(39)
rs.Open mysql, conn
IF not rs.EOF then
If Request.Form("password" = rs ("password" Then
url="it_tasks_frameset.htm?username=" & rs("name"
Response.redirect (url)
End if
response.Write("Access Denied!"
End IF
The start of the page that should take the string is below:-
sname = request.querystring("username"
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="<%=sname%>">
For some strange reason the string is not being passed to the next page, is there something that I am missing????