Can someone tell me if and how I can add a script to redirect to a url as soon as the blat has executed.
I have listed the script below that I am using.
# Use the cgi unit
use cgi;
# Get the values from the form
$form = new CGI;
$subject="Mortgage Lead";
# Output the correct header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Save the message into a text file
open (messtxt,">message.txt"
print messtxt ($lastname, "\n"
print messtxt ($firstname, "\n"
print messtxt ($dateofbirth, "\n"
print messtxt ($address1, "\n"
print messtxt ($address2, "\n"
print messtxt ($city, "\n"
print messtxt ($county, "\n"
print messtxt ($postcode, "\n"
print messtxt ($firsttime, "\n"
print messtxt ($homemover, "\n"
print messtxt ($remortgage, "\n"
print messtxt ($review, "\n"
print messtxt ($std, "\n"
print messtxt ($number, "\n"
print messtxt ($email, "\n"
close messtxt;
# Build the Blat command line and execute it
$blat="blat.exe message.txt -s \"$subject\" -t \"$tome\" -f \"$fromme\" -server $server\" ";
print $blat;
print "<br><br>Thank You.<br><br>";
print "Your enquiry has been sent. A Financial representative will contact you shortly. $raddr.";
I have listed the script below that I am using.
# Use the cgi unit
use cgi;
# Get the values from the form
$form = new CGI;
$subject="Mortgage Lead";
# Output the correct header
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Save the message into a text file
open (messtxt,">message.txt"
print messtxt ($lastname, "\n"
print messtxt ($firstname, "\n"
print messtxt ($dateofbirth, "\n"
print messtxt ($address1, "\n"
print messtxt ($address2, "\n"
print messtxt ($city, "\n"
print messtxt ($county, "\n"
print messtxt ($postcode, "\n"
print messtxt ($firsttime, "\n"
print messtxt ($homemover, "\n"
print messtxt ($remortgage, "\n"
print messtxt ($review, "\n"
print messtxt ($std, "\n"
print messtxt ($number, "\n"
print messtxt ($email, "\n"
close messtxt;
# Build the Blat command line and execute it
$blat="blat.exe message.txt -s \"$subject\" -t \"$tome\" -f \"$fromme\" -server $server\" ";
print $blat;
print "<br><br>Thank You.<br><br>";
print "Your enquiry has been sent. A Financial representative will contact you shortly. $raddr.";