Hi All,
I don't know much about asp & IIS but have coded plenty of other scripting type languages/ webpages etc..
Essentially there is a Microsoft provided/supported webpage which allows users to change their domain password.
I have installed this and works fine though not so well using UPN user accounts.
To get around this, I would like to simply redirect the webpage to a different microsoft supported/provided webpage which works perfectly.
In short, all I am trying to do is redirect the button which gets built into OWA (Outlook Web Access) to the different site (Same server, diff v.dir).
code (top part):
code (Password Change Button):
So my understanding what that I would need to locate the 'openChangePassword()' function and edit that.
Given the script sources defined at the top, I searched through them for this function. The script which defines this function is:
The function in this file is:
so I altered the following line to point to the specific website required:
Did an iisreset /restart to effect the changes but this does not work??
Still brings up the " web site..
If someone could point me in the right direction to rectify this would be great.
I don't know much about asp & IIS but have coded plenty of other scripting type languages/ webpages etc..
Essentially there is a Microsoft provided/supported webpage which allows users to change their domain password.
I have installed this and works fine though not so well using UPN user accounts.
To get around this, I would like to simply redirect the webpage to a different microsoft supported/provided webpage which works perfectly.
In short, all I am trying to do is redirect the button which gets built into OWA (Outlook Web Access) to the different site (Same server, diff v.dir).
code (top part):
<!--Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.-->
<!--CURRENT FILE== "IE6" "WIN32" options -->
<!--CURRENT TEMPLATE == options.00000002 -->
<HTML xmlns:MSIE DIR=LTR xmlns:editing>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=utf-8">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
<?IMPORT namespace="editing" implementation="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/pdec30.htc" >
<SCRIPT src="[URL unfurl="true"]https://mail.ourdomain.net.au/exchange/user_account_/?cmd=script&template=loc_options&cache=1&ver=6.5.7651.60"></SCRIPT>[/URL]
<SCRIPT src="[URL unfurl="true"]https://mail.ourdomain.net.au/exchange/user_account_/?cmd=script&template=loc_keystrokes&cache=1&ver=6.5.7651.60"></SCRIPT>[/URL]
<SCRIPT language="javascript">
<SCRIPT src="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/util_owa.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/util_forms.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/util_buttons.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/dlg_options.js"></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT FOR="cbButton" EVENT="oncontextmenu()" LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
code (Password Change Button):
<TR><TD nowrap colspan=4 style="padding-top:13;border-bottom:2 groove"><B>Password</B></TD></TR><TR><TD valign=top width=1><IMG src="[URL unfurl="true"]https://mail.ourdomain.net.au/exchweb/img/passwd.gif"></TD><TD[/URL] colspan=3><BUTTON id="idPassword" onclick='openChangePassword();'>Change Password</BUTTON></TD></TR>
So my understanding what that I would need to locate the 'openChangePassword()' function and edit that.
Given the script sources defined at the top, I searched through them for this function. The script which defines this function is:
<SCRIPT src="/exchweb/6.5.7651.60/controls/dlg_options.js"></SCRIPT>
The function in this file is:
function openChangePassword()
var objLocation = window.location;
var szServer = objLocation.host;
var szClose = g_sBase + "/?Cmd=close";
var szURL = "[URL unfurl="true"]https://"[/URL] + szServer + "/iisadmpwd/"+g_szPasswordPage+"?" + szClose;
var szOpts = "toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=355,height=350";
so I altered the following line to point to the specific website required:
var szURL = "[URL unfurl="true"]https://mail.ourdomain.net.au/mpssamplecp";[/URL]
Did an iisreset /restart to effect the changes but this does not work??
Still brings up the " web site..
If someone could point me in the right direction to rectify this would be great.