I'm stumped. We've got a LAN connected through the web via an internet router.
I can't seem to get the machine configured so that it can surf for web pages. I've given a static IP address and can ping local machines and the router its self. However I can't get netscape to view any pages.
I tried to configure the primary & secondary DNS settings with the addresses from my ISP (Blueyonder) however it didn't help.
Also is there a recommended method for making the machine viewable/file share on a WinXP/Mac network?
Finally during config I checked the http & telnet tickboxes to allow connections, however when I try to connect I get an error message stating that the host is actively refusing connections. I've tried deleting the securitty file as others have recommended here although it makes no difference.
Do I need to allow specific IP addesses? If so how?
A big bag of questions I know, and any help would be much appreciated.
ps. Please don't tell me to install another brand of linux. It took years to download this one
I can't seem to get the machine configured so that it can surf for web pages. I've given a static IP address and can ping local machines and the router its self. However I can't get netscape to view any pages.
I tried to configure the primary & secondary DNS settings with the addresses from my ISP (Blueyonder) however it didn't help.
Also is there a recommended method for making the machine viewable/file share on a WinXP/Mac network?
Finally during config I checked the http & telnet tickboxes to allow connections, however when I try to connect I get an error message stating that the host is actively refusing connections. I've tried deleting the securitty file as others have recommended here although it makes no difference.
Do I need to allow specific IP addesses? If so how?
A big bag of questions I know, and any help would be much appreciated.
ps. Please don't tell me to install another brand of linux. It took years to download this one