I recall that a red light on one of these cards is a good thing but I don't recall which one.
Are red lights good or bad on these cards in the picture? Which of these cards would be the sig server?
I'm a little out of touch with the newer stuff, but my money is on the CPPM card that is on the far right as being the Sig Server.
Red LED's on most IPE cards tend to mean that the card is disabled or has no configured ports and therefore no light means it is in service.
Red LED's on Network or processor cards would indicate that the card or port is out of service.
The CPDC card should I think be the CS1000e processor card. With regards to the Red LED on the CPPM card, check that you don't have another CPPM in use. You should be able to plug in a serial cable to check it's status.
The CPPM Callserver has a Green to show it is in service and a Red to show it cannot see the other callserver. This can be normal (SA - Only one Callserver) or a problem with the standby in a HA site. In a HA site the norm is Green/Green (HA Active Core) & Green/Orange (HA Standby Core)
The CPDC is your sig server and Red is bad, plug in Serial and take a look.
So I reseated the CPPM card. In doing that, the red light went off on the CPDC card but remained on the CPPM card so red is normal for this card for an SMG.
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