tux242 is on a distinguished road
Red face SQL Newbie Needs Help
Any help here is greatly appreciated. I'm weak at sql at best, is there an except this domain, being the yellow domain in the statement below, part that you could assist with please, the FROM occupancy where node_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name<>'YELLOW') part works in the sql statement I have listed below. The on elisted does space in GB total and number of files on disk/tape total to my knowledge. I now need to include or a statement for Gb per day backed up.
SELECT node_name,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(physical_mb)) / 1024 AS DEC(8,2))as "Space in GB",SUM(num_files)as"Number of files" FROM occupancy where node_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name<>'YELLOW') GROUP BY node_name
Thanks. Tux242.
Red face SQL Newbie Needs Help
Any help here is greatly appreciated. I'm weak at sql at best, is there an except this domain, being the yellow domain in the statement below, part that you could assist with please, the FROM occupancy where node_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name<>'YELLOW') part works in the sql statement I have listed below. The on elisted does space in GB total and number of files on disk/tape total to my knowledge. I now need to include or a statement for Gb per day backed up.
SELECT node_name,CAST(FLOAT(SUM(physical_mb)) / 1024 AS DEC(8,2))as "Space in GB",SUM(num_files)as"Number of files" FROM occupancy where node_name in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name<>'YELLOW') GROUP BY node_name
Thanks. Tux242.