This may be a dumb question, but I'm new to Legato, the most confusing backup software ever. Anyway, I'm currently running my backup where I have a 5 tapes in my autochanger and each tape is set to run incrementally on a specific night. For example tape1 runs Monday, tape 2 runs Tuesday, etc. However all my tapes are full now and I'm not sure what to do. Should I just relabel them? I'd tend to think no, because then I'll lose my backups for the last month. Is there a way to somehow recycle the tapes without losing all my backups? Or, should I simply get all new tapes and store the other ones somewhere else? If that's the case though, will that screw up my other tapes.
I'm just completely confused. Can somebody perhaps reccomend a good Legato Book or direct me to a link that will help me best backup practices. Please help, my boss won't spring for support and I'm completely lost with this product. Thanks
I'm just completely confused. Can somebody perhaps reccomend a good Legato Book or direct me to a link that will help me best backup practices. Please help, my boss won't spring for support and I'm completely lost with this product. Thanks