Technical User
This is our DTD:
<!ELEMENT container (class*, attribute*, attribute_list*, #PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT class (name?, class*, attribute*,attribute_list*, #PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST attribute value CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST attribute attributeType CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT attribute_list(class*, attribute*, #PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST attribute_list attributeType CDATA #REQUIRED >
And when we try to validate some xml based on this dtd we get these errors:
node=class, error=at line number, 94: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
node=container, error=at line number, 28: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
at line number, 72: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
at line number, 81: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
node=attribute_list, error=at line number, 83: Element type "class" must be declared.
Is our DTD correct? If not, why not? If it is then why are we getting these errors??
<!ELEMENT container (class*, attribute*, attribute_list*, #PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT class (name?, class*, attribute*,attribute_list*, #PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT attribute (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST attribute value CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST attribute attributeType CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ELEMENT attribute_list(class*, attribute*, #PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST attribute_list attributeType CDATA #REQUIRED >
And when we try to validate some xml based on this dtd we get these errors:
node=class, error=at line number, 94: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
node=container, error=at line number, 28: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
at line number, 72: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
at line number, 81: Element type "attribute_list" must be declared.
node=attribute_list, error=at line number, 83: Element type "class" must be declared.
Is our DTD correct? If not, why not? If it is then why are we getting these errors??