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Oct 17, 2003
I have written a ColdFusion component to interact through LDAP with Active Directory. The component is working great and I am getting the functionality I need from it.

However, I am building an additional method by which I plan to enumerate all of the OU objects in AD. While I recursively move through each OU object and its sub objects building a hierarchy my code is presently only returning a string. This string provides decent display information but is not interactive. My eventual goal is a completely interactive folder tree. I think an array of structures is probably where I need to go, but I am having a hard time thinking my way there as I am unfamiliar with structures.

I've attached my code and an example of the returned string. Let me know if I need to provide you with more information. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

my code
  <cffunction name="enumerateOU" returntype="string"
     displayname="Enumerate OU Objects"
     hint="recursively displays all container and organizationalUnit objects under a specified base">
    <cfargument name="base_ou" type="string" required="yes">
    <cfargument name="string_space" type="string" required="yes">
    <cfargument name="base_branch" type="string" required="yes">
    <cfset var results = "">
    <cfset var retVal = "">
    <cfset var currentRow = 0>
    <cfset sub_ou_results=application.ldapCFC.getObject('oneLevel',
    <cfloop query="sub_ou_results">
      <cfset currentRow = currentRow + 1>
      <cfset results = enumerateOU('OU=' & name & ',' & base_ou, string_space & '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', base_branch & '.' & currentRow)>
      <cfset retVal = retVal & '<br>' & string_space & base_branch & '.' & currentRow & '&nbsp;' & name & results>
    <cfreturn retVal>

<cfset base_ou_results ="">

<cfset base_ou_results=application.ldapCFC.getObject('onelevel',

<cfsetting requestTimeOut="500">
<cfset testEm = "">
<cfoutput query="base_ou_results">
    <cfset testEm = enumerateOU('OU=' & name, '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', base_ou_results.CurrentRow)>

my output
1 Cip
   1.1 Cad
   1.2 Portable
   1.3 REX
      1.3.1 ChkOut
      1.3.2 Prod
   1.4 Sppa
   1.5 Test
      1.5.1 Testhierarchy
   1.6 WC
   1.7 XR

generated by testEm variable containing:
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Part and Inventory Search

