I have an xml doc
<record ID="1">
<record ID="2">
<record ID="3">
<record ID="4">
I have half inherited this program to add "features". One of them was to insert a page break by zone grouping. I did this by:
<xsl:variable name="zone1">
<xsl:value-of select = "zone"/>
<xsl:variable name="zone2">
<xsl:value-of select = "following::zone"/>
<xsl:if test="$zone1 != $zone2 and position() != last()">
Probably not the best idea, but this is my first time (except for playing around) with xsl... so I am winging it...
The issue is, they want a "page of page" dispay above each page break as it prints. I have read about the recursive template thing but don't really understand the calling templates... etc. I only was given a few hours to do this (which I have now passed) so any suggestions would be great.
<record ID="1">
<record ID="2">
<record ID="3">
<record ID="4">
I have half inherited this program to add "features". One of them was to insert a page break by zone grouping. I did this by:
<xsl:variable name="zone1">
<xsl:value-of select = "zone"/>
<xsl:variable name="zone2">
<xsl:value-of select = "following::zone"/>
<xsl:if test="$zone1 != $zone2 and position() != last()">
Probably not the best idea, but this is my first time (except for playing around) with xsl... so I am winging it...
The issue is, they want a "page of page" dispay above each page break as it prints. I have read about the recursive template thing but don't really understand the calling templates... etc. I only was given a few hours to do this (which I have now passed) so any suggestions would be great.