Hi, is there any way to recover data from tapes that have been erased with backup exec?
What I need to do is permenantly erase some backup exec dlt tapes so that the data on them can never be recovered (such as you might do with business sensitive hard disks). If I erase them using backup execs erase option, and then re-use the tape, is there any way of somebody then getting to the original data on the tapes?
The reason I ask is that I have in the past fdisked, repartitioned and formatted hard disks, and still been able to recover ALL the data from them, and I need to know if DLT tapes are the same.....
What I need to do is permenantly erase some backup exec dlt tapes so that the data on them can never be recovered (such as you might do with business sensitive hard disks). If I erase them using backup execs erase option, and then re-use the tape, is there any way of somebody then getting to the original data on the tapes?
The reason I ask is that I have in the past fdisked, repartitioned and formatted hard disks, and still been able to recover ALL the data from them, and I need to know if DLT tapes are the same.....