We changed the "sa" user password on our SQL 2000 server to standardize it and in the process took down an application that we didn't know used the "sa" user.
I've reset the password to no password by leaving the password field blank as I'm told is the default when SQL server installs, but the application still can't talk to the database. There doesn't appear to be any record of what the password was set to when the installation was done.
Is there a way to recover the password that was used to create the DSN so I can use the same password for the SQL server? I found a script that will brute force attempt to crack it. The script runs on my NT4 system, but won't run on Win2K.
The software (Lotus Learning Space) has to submit a DSN, User and password when it connect, but I can't find it.
I've reset the password to no password by leaving the password field blank as I'm told is the default when SQL server installs, but the application still can't talk to the database. There doesn't appear to be any record of what the password was set to when the installation was done.
Is there a way to recover the password that was used to create the DSN so I can use the same password for the SQL server? I found a script that will brute force attempt to crack it. The script runs on my NT4 system, but won't run on Win2K.
The software (Lotus Learning Space) has to submit a DSN, User and password when it connect, but I can't find it.