Since I am new to Groupwise Administration and have had to learn as I go along, I need HELP! I have a client that thought she was saving her email to her hard drive by clicking on the email in Groupwise and dragging it to a folder on her desktop. Since it was so much faster than doing it the way I told her (File, Save As). Once she put it there she deleted the email from Groupwise (6.5) and emptied the trash. She did this 5 days ago. And today discovered she can not view her email. Well since our tape drive quit working I can't backup the server.(We are getting a new server installed this month so I didn't replace the drive since we won't need it in a couple weeks anyway.) I read where her data is still on the server because it hasn't been backed up. If someone can help me with instructions on how to help this woman. She would be so happy since it was a year of work she has deleted.