I'm trying to resolve a problem that got thrown at me today. We have a SQL Server 2000 database that acts as a master list of customers. It's the publisher for an hourly merge replication, with 23 subscribing servers. The server crashed this weekend and is now flagged as suspect due to torn pages. The best, and possibly only, way to go on this is restoring from a backup. I did some digging and found that the last backup is pretty old, but this is because the SQL Server Agent wasn't started after the last reboot, so replication also hasn't run since the same date.
It seems to me that since the backup and replication stopped at about the same time, restoring that backup and restarting replication should result in one huge merge from each subsriber and then it should get back to business as usual. Does this sound right? I'm not very familiar with the inner workings of replication, so my biggest concern is with creating a new snapshot. Will this cause the subscribers to delete any data not in the snapshot, or is it more of a "here's what I have, what have you got" kind of communication?
Thanks in advance for any help.